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Box Office Breakdown: Princess and Frog Crowned Winner

The Princess and the Frog

Disney’s latest entry might not have produced Pixar-like numbers, but it was definitely not a frog.

, featuring the first black Disney princess, finally opened wide this weekend to the tune of $24.2 million. Despite having been available in limited release for two weeks, the 2D-film had the best premiere ever for an animated feature in the month of December.

Meawhile, - Clint Eastwood’s next possible Oscar contender - unfolded with a $8.6 million debut and a third place finish. Although the Nelson Mandela drama came in behind box office vet The Blind Side, the director’s films tend to generate more buzz (and money) as the awards seasons progress.

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Box Office Breakdown: Touchdown for Blind Side

The Blind Side

The third time was a charm for Sandra Bullock.

After two weeks of second place finishes, emerged from New Moon‘s shadow to take sole possession of first place. The movie, which added another $20 million to its $100+ million total, has now given Bullock her second chart topper of the year. (And, no—All About Steve is not the other film I was referring to.)

Despite several new wide release entries, the football players and the vampires strongly defended their hold on the top two spots. - starring Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal and Natalie Portman - came in third place with only a $9.5 million take. Meanwhile, Everybody’s Fine with Robert De Niro and Drew Barrymore did a less than fine $3.8 million.

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In Theaters This Weekend (12/4)


Here are a few selections in theaters this weekend:

  • Armored (PG-13): starring Matt Dillon, Columbus Short, Laurence Fishburne (directed by Nimrod Antal)
  • Brothers (R): starring Natalie Portman, Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal (directed by Jim Sheridan)
  • Everybody’s Fine (PG-13): starring Robert De Niro, Drew Barrymore, Kate Beckinsale (directed by Kirk Jones)
  • Transylmania (R): starring Patrick Cavanaugh, James DeBello, Tony Denman (directed by David Hillenbrand, Scott Hillenbrand)

Click to continue reading In Theaters This Weekend (12/4)

Quote of the Day: Mila Kunis on Kissing Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis

“It’s two girls making out, and guys have a thing for that. And Nat is like every guy’s dream. She’s a nerd’s idea of heaven. The whole thing is silly, but I can see why people care.”

- commenting on a reported love scene with her Black Swan costar Natalie Portman.

(Make sure to check out other notable quotes.)

Read More | BlackBook Magazine via Just Jared

Casting Corner: Kat Dennings, Uma Thurman and More

Kat DenningsUma Thurman

Here’s a quick look at some of the casting announcements made recently:

Kat Dennings: The Nick and Norah actress is one of the latest additions to Thor, Kenneth Branagh’s feature about the mythological god of thunder. It’s believed Dennings will work alongside Natalie Portman as Jane Foster’s assistant. Meanwhile, Stuart Townsend (Fandral), Ray Stevenson (Volstagg the Valiant) and Tadanobu Asano (Hogun the Grim) have been tapped to fight with the title character (Chris Hemsworth). Filming will begin early next year.

Click to continue reading Casting Corner: Kat Dennings, Uma Thurman and More

Quote of the Day: Natalie Portman on Joining Thor

Kenneth Branagh

“I just thought it sounded like a really weird idea ‘cause Kenneth Branagh’s directing it. And Ken Branagh doing is super weird. I’ve got to do it.”

- explaining why she decided to join Paramount Pictures’ upcoming blockbuster.

(Make sure to check out other notable quotes.)

Read More | E! Online

This Week on DVD and Blu-ray: November 17, 2009

BrunoHere are some of the options available this Tuesday:

  • Brüno: DVD, Blu-ray
  • The Canyon: DVD
  • Chasing Amy: Blu-ray
  • Clerks: Blu-ray
  • Fight Club: Blu-ray
  • Galaxy Quest: Blu-ray
  • Gone with the Wind (70th Anniversary Edition): DVD, Blu-ray
  • How to Be: DVD
  • Is Anybody There?: DVD, Blu-ray
  • My Sister’s Keeper: DVD, Blu-ray
  • The Professional: Blu-ray

Click to continue reading This Week on DVD and Blu-ray: November 17, 2009

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Quote of the Day: Natalie Portman on Kissing Mila Kunis

Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman to share extreme kiss

“It’s not raunchy, it’s extreme.”

- Actress Natalie Portman on kissing her Black Swan co-star Mila Kunis. Will they do it better than Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried?

(Make sure to check out other notable quotes.)

Read More | IGN

New Trailer for Brothers Released

While the first trailer for Jim Sheridan’s Brothers may have made the film look like a dramatic Lifetime story, this new trailer ups the emphasis on its thriller aspect. Perhaps they should have released the film before the remake of The Stepfather as soon as they knew that they were headed in this direction.

Although very few new scenes have been added, the trailer does a great job at making Tobey Maguire look as creepy as ever.

Natalie Portman may not be too pleased with her Star Wars performance, so I’m rather puzzled as to why she chose this role and whether or not she’ll be saying the same thing regarding this movie in due time.

Either way, you can catch the film when it hits theaters on December 4th.

Read More | Coming Soon

Quote of the Day: Natalie Portman on Her Star Wars Work

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Celebrity Gossip,

Natalie Portman in Star Wars

“My acting was not exactly respected in those films [laughs] but those are the moments when you want to prove yourself again. When people think I suck, it helps.”

-Oscar-nominated talking to V magazine about criticism of her Star Wars efforts.

(Make sure to check out other notable quotes.)

Read More | Just Jared

